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A Reference For Alternative Narratives

I work as an open-source citizen investigator, part of a citizens organized collaboration to offer fact based alternatives to official narratives. Discerning fact from fiction is difficult even with conventional sources, therein is where I've found my niche. The one size fits all Standard Model is bursting at the seams as many begin to suspect that political impotence, oversight, and negligence, may be an intentional ploy to perpetuate corruption.

Billionaires & Bedlam: Donald Trump, Martial Law And The 12 Year Old Historian

Posted on June 1 2017 by -N. Carter in New World Order

- N. Carter

- N. Carter

The world appears to be falling into chaos. National debts continue to rise as societies are destabilizing. The endless cycle of “terrorist attacks” have international government officials pressed to respond. Economic conditions worldwide have become so stark that substantial quantities of citizens are working two or more jobs just to sustain the necessities to survive. Humanity seems to be experiencing the pangs of an existential storm that can no longer be denied. Whether you subscribe to doomsday scenarios or not, we are on the verge of this age’s “major crisis.”


While some sit comfortably in front of a big-screen TV with Big Macs and a ‘smart’ device, it may be hard to believe—but the watchmen of the world recognize—within a generation or less we are likely to see one or more of the following: global prolonged periods of poverty, famine, civil unrest, and unprecedented social injustice. War has already begun in the cyber world as we begin to see national anxieties manifest and stability deteriorate all across the pond.



· In 2016 Venezuela declared Martial Law in response to their severe food shortage. The crisis became so intense that market lines wrapped around the building. Even if you were lucky enough to find anything on the shelf, common groceries such as eggs were peaking at $150. Extreme measures such as biometrics (finger and eye scans) were implemented in order to discourage theft, hoarding, and selling food for profit. Desperation and hunger forced some civilians to hunt cats, dogs, and birds for food, as violent riots and protests lasted for weeks.



· France was under Martial law in 2016 and their boarders at one point were sealed due to the successions of “terrorist attacks.” Volatility and protests contributed to the confusion as France mobilized 10,000 troops into city streets as a response. Officials have stated, “France is at war” following the third attack in 18 months which killed at least 84 people in Nice, France. These assaults have ensured the public submissively accepts military intervention.



· The Turkish government also declared Martial Law in July of 2016. It is not the first time Turkey has been under Martial Law. There was a failed coup attempt that some suggest was orchestrated by President Erdogan. Access to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook was blocked as citizens attempted an open source investigation on suspicions of political corruption.



· In April 2016, Austria initiated its first ever bank bail-in. Unlike a bail-out, in a bail-in banks are able to levy funds directly from depositors accounts in an attempt to rescue a failing financial system. The banking crisis later led to colossal disorder that left Austrians struggling to keep themselves from plummeting entirely into poverty.



· Greece experienced a recession due to their sovereign debt crisis following the aftermath of their financial meltdown in 2007-8. They were on the verge of leaving the Euro Zone in 2015-2016, dubbed Grexit. The Grexit scare was due an astronomically high debt with a deadline fast approaching.



· While Brazil was hosting the 2016 Olympics they were experiencing their worst economic crisis since the 1930's.



Division is the red flag that indicates the fall of a nation has begun. America’s Race War, coupled with violent riots and protests due to political impotence, could eventually warrant justification for America’s version of Martial Law. A potential trigger for government intervention in the states could be national civil conflict via subversion and infiltration of activist groups. From Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter, the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other alphabet soup installments, have regularly derailed the efforts of anti-establishment organizations. They have spearheaded controlled opposition campaigns and have usurped positive momentum in movements through intentional demonization.



A modern example is the infiltration of Black Lives Matter, or BLM. A movement birthed from racial disparities, social injustice, and targeted crimes committed against African Americans in the U.S. In Sanford, Florida in 2012, 17-year old Trayvon Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman causing uproar and heated debate. In Baltimore, Maryland rioting and protests were sparked after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Grey due to injuries he suffered to his neck and spine while in police custody. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana following the death of Alton Sterling there were violent demonstrations against law enforcement officials. Phoenix, Arizona had an anti-police brutality rally, and in Ferguson, Missouri disputes and uprisings broke out soon after officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown. A Black Lives Matter protest lasting five-days in Atlanta, Georgia, prompted a meeting with Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta.



The scenes highlighted in the media are dramatic and violent, not representative of what the movement truly aimed to be. RT reports, “Petition for White House to declare Black Lives Matter a terrorist group has 100,000+ signatures.” The Black Lives Matter movement has been utilized by the elites to paint apprehensive African American citizens as irrational political dissonance. This is done in an effort to incite hostilities between the public and law enforcement officials. Hungarian billionaire George Soros, NWO compliant elite and member of Council on Foreign Relations, was linked to organizing BLM activists for his personal political itineraries.



Soros is part of the network of national bankers who believe boarders to be an obstacle. He supports the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Federal Reserve, the same enterprises that constitute a system where countries befit subservience to international bodies. In 1998, he wrote: “Insofar as there are collective interests that transcend state boundaries, the sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions.”



The billionaire’s involvement in BLM really came to light when Deray McKesson, Black Lives Matter leader, had his cell phone and Twitter account hacked along with two email accounts. “At 10:31am, an individual called Verizon posing as Mr. McKesson and convinced a technician to change the unique SIM associated with the activist’s phone, allowing the hacker or hackers responsible to have his messages rerouted to a different device. The culprit then requested password reset codes for Mr. McKesson’s Twitter and other Internet accounts, and subsequently gained access by intercepting those codes when they were sent as text messages.” -Washington Times.



Soros had plans to have more than 10,00 members create chaos in Philadelphia and Cleveland, according to the leaked material. Intellihub reports, “The mainline press made no mention of the real purpose for the hack, which was to obtain secret information about a George Soros and Obama Administration sponsored plot, an elaborate operation dubbed the ‘Summer of Chaos,’ which is aimed at shutting down both the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention in order to trigger Martial Law nationwide, keeping President H. Obama in the White House beyond his allotted two terms under National Security Presidential Directives.” While this obviously didn't happen, it allows us to peer inside the minds of the elite and expose some their tactics.



Personally, there is not enough evidence to support the need for a forced third term presidency since every United States president has either been an affiliate of a secret society, member of CFR, or, related. That’s right, every United States president has been rather closely related, with all 44 sharing a common ancestor. (Note: Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th president, has the honor of being credited two distinct presidencies. Since the other two-term plus presidencies were consecutive they are commonly considered as one. This makes Donald John Trump Sr. the 44th person to be president yet the 45th president.) 12-year-old BridgeAnne d’Avignon made this discovery by happenstance while attempting to trace her heritage back to France per a school assignment.



She found that all presidents are grandsons of King John of England, the signer of the Magna Charta, or more famously known as the villain in Robin Hood. Also known as King John Lackland, he is historically described as a monster and tyrant. Initially she was unable to link Martin Van Buren to Lackland however Tim Dowling has tied Van Buren to Eleanor of Aquitaine, John's mother. Did she include Obama? Yes, and according to Fact Check, Barack Obama and Bush are 11th cousins, both descended from Samuel Hinckley, who lived in Massachusetts in the 17th century. 45th President Donald Trump is a descendant of Lackland through John of Gaunt, Edward III’s son and Lackland’s grandson.



Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are related as well. For those of you who subscribe to mainstream media, Washington Times states, “The Donald and Hillary are 19th cousins, according to genealogy experts.” Extra reports, “John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, married Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster, and John and Katherine are Donald and Hillary's shared 18th great grandparents. Hillary Clinton is a descendant of one of their children, Joan Beaufort. Her brother, John Beaufort, is an ancestor of Trump.”



This doesn’t necessarily have ominous implications however it is interesting to note the association to Britain and Europe. In 1776, America was believed to be independent from European monarchies, hence America’s celebration of Independence Day. “The Americas have always been owned and governed by the same royal families of Britain and Europe that conventional history states as being among those defeated during the wars of so-called ‘Independence.’” -Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology.



They say, “Anyone can become president.” There are only three basic requirements; you must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years, be a natural born citizen, and you must be at least 35 years old. If we are being intellectually honest, given the three generic requirements and hundreds of millions of Americans, what are the statistical odds that only family members get elected? Not just family members, but family members all with the same common ancestor and overwhelmingly associated with Big Money or shadow networks. Given the chain of concurrences, it warrants investigation into previous voting turnouts such as the Florida election recount in 2000, between George W. Bush and Al Gore that was halted by the US Supreme Court. There was also serious inquiry regarding the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate. There were unverified claims that it may have been a fabrication, which would have disqualified him from presidency.


If you think the political system is fair, transparent, non corrupt, and no criminals occupy key positions, then provide evidence that justifies your assertion. If you don’t, then what are you doing casting your vote for what amounts to the lesser of two evils? The president is nothing more than a here today, gone tomorrow figurehead. He is a capable administrator for the establishment. Democrats and Republicans are two masks on the same face. Left Wing elites and Right Wing elites are wings of the same incredibly corrupt bird. They represent bankers; go to war for bankers, and the citizen’s pay for it with their wallets and their families.



Some of us have lost the true meaning of what it means to be American, though most of us never knew what that was in the first place. Whatever it is, it’s not spreading democracy on the head of an intercontinental ballistics missile. America is not a Democracy America is a Constitutional Republic. At least it is supposed to be. A Constitutional Republic uses democratic processes to elect representatives that pass new laws and govern according to the Constitution. The Constitution is a fundamental part of the American political system. At least it is supposed to be. It was put in effect, in part, to protect the people from a tyrannical government by limiting its power.



In the 2016 elections democracy gave us Donald J. Trump. From the moment he entered office he began satisfying his role for the establishment, filling the swamp, and acting as a strong man when America believed they needed a strong man. He wasted no time spreading America’s special brand of democracy all the while failing to decrease the rising national tension and failing to fulfill his campaign promises. This is the typical characteristic of a puppet-in-chief, broken campaign promises rather than fulfilled contractual commitments.



 The world doesn’t work the way we thought it did and transitioning is not an easy process. You can play the donkey and elephant game show or you can be smart enough not to fall for the mind control.



(Venezuela Martial Law) http://yournewswire.com/alan-greenspan-venezuela-declares-martial-law-america-is-next/

(BML Terrorists) https://www.rt.com/usa/350737-petition-terrorist-black-lives-matter/

(Hunting Cats, Dogs, and Birds) http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/05/09/venezuelans-are-now-hunting-cats-dogs-and-birds-for-food-because-socialism-cant-provide-n2160036

(10,000 Troops) https://www.intellihub.com/france-full-martial-law-10000-troops-mobilizing-deployment-streets-wake-shootings/

(France At War) http://dailysignal.com/2016/07/15/france-is-at-war-officials-say-after-terrorist-attack-in-nice-kills-at-least-84/

(Turkey Martial Law) http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-15/martial-law-declared-turkey-helicopters-military-jets-flying-over-capital-army-tanks

(George Soros Dangerous) http://humanevents.com/2011/04/02/top-10-reasons-george-soros-is-dangerous/

(Baltimore Protests) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Baltimore_protests

(Baton Rouge Police Ambush) http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/baton-rouge-police-ambush/baton-rouge-police-ambush-follows-alton-sterling-shooting-unrest-n611136

(5 Day Protest) http://www.11alive.com/news/local/several-protesters-arrested-during-day-5-of-demonstrations/269980663

(Bail-In) http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-liberal/2016/04/banking-crisis-explodes-in-europe-on-a-sunday-afternoon-austria-orders-first-ever-bank-bail-in-takes-depositors-money-for-failed-bank-2526191.html

(BLM Protests) http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/10/us/black-lives-matter-protests/

(Soros Funds Ferguson) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/

(Countries Issue Warnings About Traveling To America) http://www.usnews.com/news/slideshows/countries-warn-travelers-citizens-about-the-us

(BLM Leader’s Phone Hacked) https://www.intellihub.com/operation-summer-of-chaos-obama-admin-black-lives-matter-plan/

(Soros Involved In Migrant Crisis) http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/02/soros-admits-involvement-in-migrant-crisis-national-borders-are-the-obstacle/

(Related To English King) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2183858/All-presidents-bar-directly-descended-medieval-English-king.html

(Presidents Ancestry) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~tdowling/presidents/presidents.htm

(ALL But 1 Related) http://wakeup-world.com/2011/07/04/are-all-but-one-us-presidents-related/

(Florida Recount) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_election_recount

(Trump Related To Hillary) http://www.westernjournalism.com/trump-has-a-very-surprising-distant-relative-who-happens-to-be-a-presidential-candidate/

(Trump Related To Hillary) http://www.hngn.com/articles/123246/20150826/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-candidates-related-according-genealogists.htm

(Genealogical Relationships Of Presidents) http://familypedia.wikia.com/wiki/Genealogical_relationships_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States

(Donald And Hillary Related) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/25/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-are-related-genealogy/

(Obama Is A Bush) http://kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/21/obama-and-bush-are-cousins/

(Jewish Zionism) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism

(Rockefellers) https://tobefree.wordpress.com/2010/05/10/the-rothschilds-world-kingpins-worth-500-trillion-they-own-reuters-ap-and-fix-the-price-of-gold%E2%80%A6/

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